In The Studio with Singapore Professional Boxers for Ringstar Asia

studio photography singapore, portrait photography singapore, commercial photography singapore, singapore boxing,

Besides photographing events, setting up our Photobooth as well as our instant photography machines, The Flashpixs Team does Studio Photography for various companies for their portfolio as well as marketing materials.

Here are some portraits of Singapore Professional Boxers we photographed for Ringstar Asia for their marketing materials for The Roar of Singapore 3 at the Suntec City.


studio photography singapore, portrait photography singapore, commercial photography singapore, singapore boxing,
studio photography singapore, portrait photography singapore, commercial photography singapore, singapore boxing,
studio photography singapore, portrait photography singapore, commercial photography singapore, singapore boxing,
studio photography singapore, portrait photography singapore, commercial photography singapore, singapore boxing, Efasha Kamarudin
studio photography singapore, portrait photography singapore, commercial photography singapore, singapore boxing,

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Photographer: Thamrin