Assumption English School 65th Anniversary Dinner

photobooth singapore, instant photography singapore,

Assumption English School celebrated its 65th Anniversary with a Dinner with a Return Reconnect Rejoice theme. The Dinner was held on their school premises itself as former students, teachers and even the canteen vendors old and new celebrated the joyous occasion over a sumptuous spread of food and drinks.

The Flashpixs Team provided our Photobooth Machine for the event and everyone had a wild time taking photos at our automated booth. Wide smiles and funny poses were the order of the night and everyone gets to bring home a piece of memento for the event.

More highlights of the event below.

photobooth singapore, instant photography singapore,


photobooth singapore, instant photography singapore,

photobooth singapore, instant photography singapore,

photobooth singapore, instant photography singapore,

photobooth singapore, instant photography singapore,

photobooth singapore, instant photography singapore,

photobooth singapore, instant photography singapore,

Photobooth is great for any events from corporate to house parties and weddings. If you are interested to jazz up your events with our Photobooth Machine, do email us at

We look forward to adding a huge dose of fun to your very own event!